I have for a long time now know that Fidel Schlund, Sr. was interned at Woodland Cemetary in Newark, NJ. I had several conversations with employees and cousins and the general consensus was that if Fidel ever had a gravestone it had been vandalized or removed. A cousin recently went though the effort and work to request a headstone through the VA and have it installed. I am so thankful to know people who care so much about preserving Fidel's legacy and that my Schlund cousin had this done.
Here is a picture of Fidels gravestone.
Recently I found another version of Fidel Schlund's Obituary. It was printed in German in the Der duetsche Correspondent April 4th, 1882.
The piece was translated by some great people in the group "German Genealogy" on Facebook. Here is a loose translation. "In Newark, NY, the "Achtundvierziger" Fildel Schlund, 78 years of age, died. He was born in Immenstadt, Bavaria. He was member of the Bavarian Parliament and the "Frankfurt Parliament" of 1848. After the suppression of the revolution, he fled to Switzerland. He was condemned to death, but the decision was cancelled an he returned to Germany. An new accusation for high treason was made and he had to go in jail for nine month, then he was released out of the pretrial imprisonment because the charge could not be proved. In 1854 he emigrated to the U.S. an joined the Civil War. He celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in 1876."
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