Fidel Schlund's father, was Willmer Alois Leonard Schlund. Willmer was born in about 1770 and died in 1837.
The following information about Willmer is from "The Schlund Family" a family history paper written by Herbert E Haase in 1959. It is currently my main source for information regarding Willmer as very little is known about him.
Willmer Schlund came originally from the city of Weingarten, which is located about 50 miles northwest of Immenstadt. He had been impressed into Napoleon's army and captured by the Austrians. When he was liberated he came to Immenstadt. The Napoleonic/Austrian War was fought over ownership of Bavaria. When the French were in control of the area they impressed many Germans into their ranks, regardless of nationality and inclination.
A family story told by one of Willmer's great granddaughters is the theory that Willmer was a Frenchman, not a German, and that he had assumed a German name when he settled in Immenstadt. There is no verification that this story is true so it remains an interesting speculation.
Willmer married Katherine Kennerknecht on January 18, 1803. She was his second wife. The Schlund family home was a impressive four-story structure on the most prominent corner of the open city square in Immenstadt. Willmer bought the home from the Count of Rosenfels, who occupied it as his town house. As of this writing (1959) the Vogt family had owned the home for over one hundred years.
Willmer was a dyer and manufacturer or woolens, cottons, and linens. He was a merchant.
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